Posted by: reactsrevolutionary | May 25, 2007


this is not an easy day.  today is the day I force myself to actually start this journey.  that is a major step considering I have spent all of my life waiting, thinking, planning, weighing, and contemplating it.  today is the day that I allow God full access to my life, to allow him to transform me from the inside out.  

i have been a Christian for over two years now and I have been growing by leaps and bounds in my faith.  but I have always senses, even before I was a Christian, that there was a special plan for me life.  I spent much of my life seeking out and trying to formulate that plan for myself.  finally I have come to an understanding of just how wrong that thinking was.  there is a plan for my life, but it is not mine.  it is God’s.  and from today forward, I want to get myself out of God’s way and let his plan take shape. 

i know it is going to be the biggest challenge of my life to die to myself on a daily basis.  hence, this blog.  perhaps if I channel my thoughts, ideas, struggles, and triumphs along this journey into a daily journal, it will not only help me remain focused on Him but also help others who may be traveling or considering traveling this same road.  so, as I go and grow, I invite you to join me on my journey.

what is the destination?  God has revealed to me through some specific words of scripture, some life circumstances, and some other believers, that this entreprenuroial, career-minded, creative, intellectual, indepdent woman should transform my life to become an “oikouros”.

ok, so you have no clue what that is.  neither did I a few weeks ago.  but now, that word has come to embody everything that I want to become.  click here to discover the meaning of this word. 

the way I see it is this journey will involve being willing to grow in my relationship with God, my relationship with myself, and my realtionships within my family, the body of christ and the world. (matthew 22:36-40)

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